Friday, August 3, 2007

August 4, 2007

Well, today was my appointment for a mammogram. Now that was interesting. I went into the office, signed in, and they brought me to a little dressing room and told me to put on a huge, purple robe and then wait for the tech to come in and get me. As I was sitting there in my ugly purple robe, my thoughts went wild. I was scared of what they may find and could hardly believe I was sitting there in that type of setting. I am not old enough for this, its not in my family, how in the world is this a possibility, were my thoughts. I had to fight back tears and I was suddenly wishing I would have taken up the offer of having my niece come with me. I made it through okay though. In addition to the mammogram, there was a breast exam and then I headed over the the hospital and had an ultrasound as well. I will now wait for the results that are suppose to come in by Monday or Tuesday of next week. I hope it all is well.

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