Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Preschool has begun...

Today pre-school started for Miah. She woke up this morning all ready and willing to go, which I was relieved about. I dressed her in her new school clothes, fixed her stubborn hair and fed the girl some breakfast. I have to say, she looked mighty cute and still like my little girl. I guess maybe i was expecting her to grow up overnight and was happy to see she hadn't! After we found backpacks, shoes, and whatever else a child manages to lose on a school morning, we were off! I dropped my other children and bid them a I love you and a goodbye, see you later. I took Miah to her school where she went right in and started playing with a long lost friend from last year. I was so amazed at how all the kids form last year did so much growing up this summer! They all looked so much taller! I guess that happens though, but yet it still shocked me. I left Miah there and then came home. I can't say it was a quiet morning for me, since I babysit 3 babies. But it was definitely different. Around 11:30 a.m. Miah came bounding in the front door. Her teacher, who happens to be a friend of mine, brought her home for me so I wouldn't have to pack up 3 babies and go do it. She loved school! She can't wait to go back tomorrow! I was so happy to hear that! So, tomorrow morning will be quite similar to this morning.

I hope you all have a great day! -Mindy


Andrea said...

I am so glad she had a good time! I can't believe how much she has grown, she is such a doll!

Lisa B. said...

I am so afraid of the day I have to start letting must be really hard to be your last one.